I have also been asked to share a photo of my growing tummy (and for those who know me well know just how much I love photos - not!).
So here is my tummy at 30 weeks. (notice my akward pose - I so don't know how to pose for photos!) Our little baby is growing well (as you can see!) and I am looking forward to the joy this princess will bring our family (although I must admit I have so very much to do in the 10 weeks before she arrives!)
I hope you were able to spend time with those you love this weekend!

you look great clare... glowing I'd say! x aims
You look so cute Clare. I can't wait to have a cuddle of your little girl at Christmas. Charlie Bean will be so big by then.
Looking good Clare!
Lovely tummy - you look great!
Looking great Clare. Enjoyed catching up on your blog today. Love your outfit in this pic too. x
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