The first day (which was set up afternoon) I was totally stressed and although I had planned the layout of my booth a thousand times over in my mind, every time I put something in place I would reposition it only to put it back how it was originally. All in all the booth was decked out exactly as I had in mind and I am so glad it came together as I envisioned. Unfortunately I didn’t take many photos, but luckily hubby and my mum did take some (mums I will share later).
While at market I was able to meet some wonderful people and catch up with old friends (Hi Toni, Sarah and Lillian) which made the experience all the more memorable. It was so inspiring meeting other designers and hearing what inspires them and drives them to design, make and create and being able to admire their work in the flesh. It was also lovely to meet other designers who also shared 1st time market nerves like the lovely Lenora read a fantastic market recap by her here.
I am so glad I pushed myself and made the plunge to go to AQM and am so grateful for the positive feedback on my designs and booth (THANKS EVERYONE!). I will certainly be back next year!
And I would also like to say a HUGE Thanks to all my family and friends for the support, help and encourage in getting to and during the market!
Now I am back home there is so much to do (aside from the mounting housework I have patterns to tell you about, stockists lists to update, orders to send out, sleep to be had and time to enjoy my beautiful little girls before they grow up to big! ;p)
P.S. For those who entered the draw to win a pattern pack at AQM stay tuned I will have Chloe draw the winner tomorrow.

Clare!! Your booth looked fantastic!!!!!! So glad it went well. Next year will be a breeze now - especially as you won't have a crying newborn :)
looked like fun! you set up looked great, and believe me the crying is normal haha
Clare it was so nice to meet you. I'm relieved you are exhausted too, as I am only starting to feel my normal self today, and I do not have an eight week old baby.
That first comment was me BTW!
looked great Clare.... well must have heaps of orders to fill now will be booming...
It looked so good, so glad you were able to be there Clare!
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